ABI 2020

Frankfurt, 2020

Direction, Conception, Production & Edit: Pia Pospischil
Cinematography: Jumandy Guitarra
Music: Rei Moura

Assistance: Hendrik Jaich, Seyda Öztürk, Ida Pospischil,
Lynn Scheidweiler
Speaker: Ida Pospischil, Daniel Martin Huthmacher
Cast: Marc Bastian, Carla Baumann, Victor Braun,
Matteo Cappello, Damian Cemas, Raphaelle Claude,
Fiona Cull, Elena Diel, Bella Endzweig, Emmanuele Foggia,
Noupy Frowein, Vincenzo Gerke, Johannes Gregor,
Daniel Martin Huthmacher, Noah Jacob, Valentina Kögel,
Do-Hyun Lee, Noah Maxwitat, Tiare Mayer, Claire Meier-Scherling,
Maria Nölting, Luca Oliveri, Adrian Papantonopoulus Sanchez,
Penelope Pennoyer, Ida Pospischil, Antonia Struve,
Luna Teschauer, Eva Vormann, Florian Werner

A whole generation of high school graduates are unable to
celebrate their most important achievement to date and the
farewell to their previous lives. One is on the edge to an
independent life and very much of what represents this
change has to be canceled due to a virus that shakes the
entire world. For many, this small detail, the canceled senior
prom, may be trivial - but for these young people, it is
devastating that this important day in their lives will
never happen.

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