Solo Exhibition at Kunstverein Wagenhalle, 2023

For the third exhibition of the Series Landscape of Questions + Answers, Dünne Jungs approached their ­ interviewees in a new setting. Unlike in the past, this time the artists did not interview ­ spontaneously and on open streets but approached clubs and individuals in and around Stuttgart in advance to ­ invite them for a ­ conversation. The resulting interviews offer new possibilities: In arranged meetings, ­ sometimes at the interviewees‘ homes, space was deliberately created for the exchange of ­ experiences and ­ memories. The basis for these ­ conversations was a catalog of questions, ranging from ­ superficial to personal and sociopolitical topics, which were used freely or depending on the situation. In eight ­ interviews, ­ intimate conversations and intensive dialogues emerged, which then expanded in the ­ exhibition space and ­ opened up to the audience.

The Curtains serve thereby as thresholds, which to cross meant to enter this space of questions
and answers and which once passed created a protected atmosphere for personal thoughts.
The ­ audience was invited to ­ listen, to engage with the stories and with what is being said, and
to give space to ­ possible questions and insights.

In this context, it is worth mentioning that although the invitation to participate in the interviews was ­ addressed to people regardless of age, sex, gender, profession, etc., only women responded, all of whom, can also be located within the context of care work, as mothers, caregivers, teachers, etc.

Text: Luise Nübling

The audio was seemingly coming out of the litte stone placed on the ground next to the large
stone, source of potion, where everyone could draw a small glass of tea.

„Welcome! Have a cup of tea and have a litte listen to these stories that surround all of us.“