Duo Exhibition with Barbara Proschak at Galerie Mitte, Bremen 2024

Landscape 04
Textile mixture, wooden substructure

Fountain 02
Mixed Media, plaster, tea kettle

Cry Me A River
Carpet, car logo, glass diamonds

„In the exhibition Collected Currents, the artist collective Dünne Jungs and the artist Barbara Proschak enter into a mutual exchange. Installative landscapes, sound, video and exaggerated image hybrids ­ intertwine to form a multimedia network in the space and leave the question of their explicit authorship open at first glance. Dünne Jungs and Proschak have devoted themselves collecting in different ways, and reorganising objects in different ways. Streams of thoughts condensed in recombined objects and materials. In the works on display, the artists recapitulate parts of past productions and thus focus their actions on the brief moment of the present - on the current state of things. Landscape of Questions + Answers meanders like a river through fissured textile landscapes and allows collected events and impressions to flow through the space as a collective experience in an acoustic collection.“

Text: Rebekka Kronsteiner

The audios were to be heard on the four headphones free to access whenever one felt like spending some time on the cosy seating arrangement Landscape 04. In addition one could draw oneself a small glass of tea from the Fountain 02 while watching Proschaks video installation, images and the depressed BMW-Cloud Cry Me A River across the room.

slideshow coming soon